Controllers and Extentions
Standard Controller – built-in controller – provides a lot
of basic functionality like reading, writing, and creating new objects. It can
handle both standard and custom objects.
Standard List Controller (recordSetVar) – holds the objects for standard controller.
Custom controller - is an Apex class that
implements all of the logic for a page without leveraging a standard
controller. It is uses the default, no-argument constructor for the outer,
top-level class. You cannot create a custom controller constructor that
includes parameters. Use when page need to be run entirely in system mode, which does not
enforce the permissions and field-level security of the current user.
A custom and standard
controller cannot be referenced in the same page.
Controller extension is any Apex class
containing a constructor that takes a single argument of
type ApexPages.StandardController or CustomControllerName,
where CustomControllerName is the name of a custom controller you
want to extend.
Sharing setting is applied on
standard object/extension by default; In case we don’t want to apply sharing setting in our code
then Custom controller is only option.
It is possible that the
functionality of page does not required any Standard object or may require more than one standard
object, then in that case Custom controller is required.

If a method is in both controller and also in the extensions the method in the extension will get executed, and if the method is in multiple extensions then the method in the first extension in the coma separated list will be executed.
<apex:page Controller="AccountController" extensions="ExtOne,ExtTwo"
<apex:outputText value="{!foo}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!poo}" />
public with sharing class AccountController
public String getPoo()
return 'poo controller';
String getFoo() {
return 'foo-Controller';
First Extension
public class ExtOne {
public ExtOne(AccountController controller)
String getPoo() {
return 'poo One';
public String getFoo()
return 'foo-One';
Second Extension
public with sharing class ExtTwo
public ExtTwo(AccountController controller)
public String getFoo()
return 'foo-Two';
poo One
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